Are there side effects or complications of testosterone therapy?

It is rare to have measurable side effects from low testosterone therapy if the prescription protocols provided by your doctor are followed. As with any medication there could be side effects if not taken carefully. Your doctor will closely monitor your blood hormone levels and modify your medications accordingly should any problems arise.

In many cases, Testosterone Replacement Therapy is often continued indefinitely due to the tremendous benefits one usually experiences during treatment. However, there are protocols that can be followed to safely stop taking the medications if so desired.

There is no evidence that the risk of either prostate cancer or benign prostatic hypertrophy increases with testosterone therapy. This myth about testosterone Replacement being linked to prostate cancer has been rooted deep in medical consciousness for over 60 years, however recent studies have dispelled these myths and the data is actually showing that testosterone therapy is good for your prostate. It should be noted there is no evidence that men with higher testosterone levels are at higher risk of prostate cancer or that supplementing Testosterone increases this risk. In fact, it should be recognized that prostate cancer becomes more prevalent exactly at a time in a man’s life when testosterone begins declining. Testosterone treatment is actually beneficial for the prostate, not bad.

Injectable Testosterone is by far the most effective means of testosterone therapy. It is is much more convenient to use (generally injected only 1 time a week) and is relatively painless. Our doctors prefer injections over creams and gels because of how they are absorbed. In addition, creams and gels tend to increase DHT (harmful metabolites of testosterone) much more than injections. You can also risk person to person transfer with creams and gels, which can potentially cause serious side effects to those exposed, especially women and children.

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a natural occurring substance in the body that is used to stimulate the testicles to produce and boost your body’s natural production of testosterone. Gonadorelin Is a peptide that is frequently used to stimulate LH and preserve the body's ability to produce test. In addition, HCG is commonly used in low testosterone therapy to allow the testes to maintain function and size.

Anastrozole is a medication used to control the levels of estrogen within the body. In many cases, Anastrozole will be prescribed during testosterone therapy to counteract the increase of estrogen levels. Higher estrogen will cause belly fat, breast fat, and mood swings.

Usually within one to three weeks, although in some men it can take longer. If improvements are not noticeable within a month, your physician may modify your dose and perform a follow up exam to determine why.

NO! Everything you need for the Testosterone Therapy Program, including ALL medications and supplies, as well as ALL follow up labs and doctors visits, is covered in your all inclusive fee. You will NEVER pay anything additional, ever. However, Chicagoland Men’s Health does offer an additional hormone replacement program that is separate from the testosterone program for those patients interested in Human Growth Hormone (HGH) therapy. For more information on Semorelin, a HGH stimulator, click here.

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